The Solo Bożena Przytocka company is implementing the project: “Promotion of the Solo Bożena Przytocka company offer on selected foreign markets.” As part of the Intelligent Development Operational Program, Sub-measure 3.3.3 Support for SMEs in promoting product brands – Go to Brand.
The subject of the project is SOLO Bożena Przytocka’s participation in international fairs in China, the United States and Japan, as well as the purchase of consultancy services in the field of conducting business on the Chinese market.
The aim of the project is to promote the company and its products at key international market events. At the same time, the goal was to gain knowledge about the specifics of the Chinese market
As a result of the implementation of the co-financed project, the company plans to:
– increase the company’s competitiveness in the jewelry and amber industry on the international stage,
– develop export activity on Chinese, American and Japanese markets and as a result
– increase the scale of operations by increasing revenues from the sale of products for export.
The project’s success will also contribute to the promotion of the Polish Economy Brand in the jewelry industry.
Project implementation period: 09/05/2019 – 30/12/2019
Project value: PLN 416 700, 00
Contribution of European Funds: 354 195, 00 PLN